Kara Burke
January 2024
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
United States




Kara exhibited such a positive attitude with a smile on her face as she delineated every aspect of my treatment planned for that day. Each week, I became more and more impressed with her innate ability to clearly and calmly communicate the important elements of my treatment. An open-ended, lively discussion usually followed. 
As an individual who has experienced many hospitalizations over the past 40 years, I am definitely not a neophyte. When it comes to nursing care, I recognize the multitude of facets, some controllable and others not, facing nurses in today’s fast paced environment. As I was exiting the infusion unity (Yawkey 7) I came across this document laying on a table, picked it up, read its contents, and I immediately decided I would nominate Kara Burke for the award. 

Since beginning in early September 2023, a 10-month clinical trial for treatment of follicular lymphoma, Kara has been primarily caring for me while I have undergone infusions and drug injections. From the moment Kara introduced herself at the initial session, I had good vibes and was confident this nurse knew what she was doing and was focused on her job responsibilities. Additionally, Kara exhibited such a positive attitude with a smile on her face as she delineated every aspect of my treatment planned for that day. Each week, I became more and more impressed with her innate ability to clearly and calmly communicate the important elements of my treatment. An open-ended, lively discussion usually followed. 

In the succeeding paragraphs, I hope to demonstrate why I so strongly believe that Kara is the quintessence of what a nursing professional should be. 

During the start of each visit, Kara is fully prepared. She has read the most recent medical notes, and if I encountered problems the preceding week, we would discuss the best path to follow. She sincerely wanted to ameliorate the chronic difficulties I was encountering. I found her honesty and our interactions as a form of catharsis in overcoming doubts which had evolved. 

On my second visit with Kara, I explained to her how difficult it has been for the nurses in the lab to draw blood from me. Available veins within my arms were few and far between resulting in multiple attempts to draw the blood. Looking at my arms and seeing the resultant bruises from the failed attempts to get the required blood, Kara indicated she had the perfect solution for me – namely, the insertion of a port in my chest provided it was medically feasible. She then went into high gear – she brought me a brochure on the port insertion technique which I read and viewed as a viable option. Kara didn’t stop there- with my permission, she contacted my lymphoma team, who readily agreed to pursue the option. Soon after, interventional radiology inserted my port and ever since, I have been a “happy camper” not having to be jabbed repeatedly. Kara could have easily said for me alone to pursue the possibility of a port. She did not – she was proactive and went above and beyond to ensure a quick remedy occurred. 

Underneath her quiet and calming influence, Kara also has a great sense of humor. When I missed getting a sandwich for lunch one day because I had fallen asleep she jokingly pointed out that the food service worker won’t disturb you if you’re asleep. Since that time, we’ve bantered and laughed about this event to the extent I now know to stay awake between 11:30 and noon. To laugh, joke, and smile about some actually insignificant occurrence can do wonders in easing discomfort.
Kara regularly shares with me any schedule change which may impact her availability to care for me. If she is to be assigned to a triage unit for the scheduled day, she assures she will still drop in to see me. As I was leaving my last treatment session, she indicated so was to be “shadowed” by another nurse “learning the ropes.” She assured me she would still be there but wanted me to know why another nurse would be assisting her. What a lucky individual that person will be to be trained by the best!!

A few weeks back, because of some scheduling issue, I was directed to the 8th floor for treatment. While receiving my medication in the unit, the assigned nurse told me Kara had called her, saw in the medical notes that I had a bad week, and wanted to convey to me her hope that I would be better soon. Did Kara have to apprise me of the events I just outlined? Of course not. But she went above and beyond to develop trust and to show my well being was of paramount importance to her. I was not simply a patient but rather a person in need of healing through continued and supportive interactions. 

Kara has been, for me, “the real-life connection” as my treatment continues. She provides the HOPE that I seek. She exemplifies the core values of trust, dignity, and respect. For me, Kara is the rainbow I see in my journey towards recovery. 

I acknowledge this nomination is lengthy and I truly thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to share my extraordinary experiences as Kara’s patient. Too frequently in today’s society we are quick to criticize but slow to give approbation for a job well done, especially when it’s above and beyond normal expectations.

Recently, I nominated Kara Burke for the DAISY Award. I am submitting this addendum to demonstrate that my sincere support of Kara was further enhanced by what I witnessed yesterday during my treatment session. 

Kara was training a new employee who was “shadowing” her. The verbal exchanges which followed on the proper methodology to be employed in completing a task were valuable in assessing Kara’s real character. Whether the trainee was unsure what data needed to be entered into the computer, whether the trainee needed some further assistance in accessing my port, or whether the trainee was simply seeking clarification on a task to be performed, Kara was “cool” and “unflappable.” In her usual soft-spoken and composed manner, she not only explained the proper way of getting the job done but also provided the rationale for doing so. At no time did Kara dismiss or minimize the queries posed by the trainee, in actuality, she knowingly wanted to transmit her knowledge and expertise to the trainee. Throughout the process, I saw Kara trying to instill confidence in the new employee.

To train someone is never an easy endeavor. But, to do so in a respectful and understanding way with the goal of having the trainee succeed was refreshing to see. 
The strongest and most significant attribute of Kara is, in the vernacular, her “people skills.” She excels in boosting the spirit of others, and for me personally, she has excelled in the unparalleled care provided to me.