January 2023
Norton Brownsboro Hospital
United States




With clear communication and compassion unlike any we had experienced, Karen advocated for both J and my father. She was able to speak to my father in ways no one else had.
J was a patient at Brownsboro over the course of a couple of weeks. What began as a mystery illness quickly snowballed into stage 4 cancer and emergent chemotherapy in a matter of 1 month. It was a shock to the whole family, including my father and her 18-year-old son who had just graduated high school, that a seemingly healthy 49-year-old woman could spiral so fast. My father had left the hospital one Friday to shower and J coded. ROSC was obtained and J was transferred to 5W ICU. Karen took care of J on her last night with us. With clear communication and compassion unlike any we had experienced, Karen advocated for both J and my father. She was able to speak to my father in ways no one else had. Doctors skirted subjects but Karen armed with a career of knowledge and the experience was able to guide my father through the most difficult time in his life.

An interaction that still stands with him after 3 years is as follows: J was being transfused with blood to keep her going until family could congregate to say goodbye. As a unit finished, Karen asked my father if he wanted to continue transfusing. He asked her point blank “can you keep her alive until the morning?” she paused, thought then responded “yes.” That one simple response instilled the utmost trust in Karen and her abilities. She kept J alive until family could come and say goodbye. To this day he stills smiles and gets misty-eyed thinking of this exchange.

Three names were mentioned in J’s beautiful Celebration Of Life paper… Karen’s name leading the list. Me personally? I now work alongside this incredible nurse. Every day I get to work shoulder to shoulder with the human who carried my father through the darkest night of his life. A DAISY Award is the least my family can offer Karen. On behalf of J, my father, and my family- thank you. Bless you. And please never stop healing.