Katie Heilman
November 2020
Birth Suites
SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital - Madison




Katie firmly yet kindly looked right at me and said, "K, you can do this. You are so close to meeting your baby. You are so strong and you have gotten through so much of the hard part. You are NOT giving up. Look at me and push".
I have been meaning to submit this nomination for almost exactly 10 months now for my labor and delivery nurse, Katie. Her exemplary care provided to me for the near entirety of her 12-hour shift was nothing short of amazing. Her compassionate and empathetic care, respect for my wants and needs during labor, and her ability to think quickly and critically stood out to me during a time where I was only focused on one thing, bringing my son into this world. Any woman who has given birth has to know if you're noticing anything other than the pain of giving birth, it has to be because it is truly exceptional (and Katie's care was). My labor was long, but no part of my birth story was particularly unusual. In fact, I'm sure it was just another day at work for Katie. But her ability to connect with me, advocate for me, and help me reach my goal of delivering a healthy baby was unmatched in my opinion. She embodies what the St. Mary's mission and values stand for.
In the very early hours of Sunday, I arrived at the hospital at 6cm dilated with my firstborn (gender was unknown to my husband and me). When I arrived at the L&D unit, the nurse told me I was 9cm dilated and I'd be having a baby very soon. Unfortunately, there was a mistake in measuring me and when Katie came on at 0700 and checked me, she said "you are still the same, about 6cm". I exclaimed, "6cm?! How can I go backward I was 9cm 5 hours ago". Katie calmly and respectfully explained the mistake the prior nurse had made and promised me she would see me through to meeting my baby no matter how long it took. I jokingly told her I really needed to meet my baby before her shift was over and she said, "I don't think that'll be a problem". Note, my son was born at 1810, just 50 minutes shy of the end of her shift. I wanted to have a natural birth, with the least amount of interventions that would lead me to a healthy baby. Katie supported that and helped me focus on my main goal "a healthy baby". I never once felt pressured to try something I was uncomfortable with. As a first time mom, and a nurse myself, you often hear horror stories about the "cascade of interventions" that can happen to a woman in labor. Katie made a point to advocate for my wants and desires and did everything in her power to first try the least invasive interventions possible. I did end up with an epidural after failing to make any progress in dilating and Katie made me feel so validated in my decision to move forward with an epidural. Again, she helped me focus on my overall goal, bringing a healthy baby into this world while being careful not to minimize my feelings of wanting to go as natural as possible. This is a delicate balance of validating and not minimizing a patient's feelings and Katie executed it perfectly. During the pushing phase of labor, I was starting to lose hope and was giving in to my exhaustion - labor has started at 0200 on Saturday morning and it was not Sunday evening. I looked at my husband and said "I don't want to do this anymore. I just want my mom". Katie firmly yet kindly looked right at me and said, "K, you can do this. You are so close to meeting your baby. You are so strong and you have gotten through so much of the hard part. You are NOT giving up. Look at me and push". Shortly after Katie's pep talk, we welcomed our baby boy into the world and our lives forever changed.
As a nurse at St. Mary's hospital myself, I want my fellow nurses to be recognized when they provide excellent care. Oftentimes, as nurses, what we do as part of our everyday routines, makes a lifelong lasting impact on our patients. Katie will forever hold a special place in both my and my husband's heart for the compassionate care she provided to us during our labor and delivery journey. What might be an ordinary task to Katie, was an extraordinary life-changing experience to me, and for that, I will forever be grateful.