Kayla Dovidio
May 2024
Butler VA Healthcare System
United States




Kayla really opened my eyes and helped me realize that I am worth so much more than what I am offering myself.
Kayla is the most caring and compassionate person and always finds time to make sure our needs or wants are met. Even if someone just wants to talk, she makes time to listen, no matter how busy she is. I had the opportunity to leave this facility prematurely, but Kayla really opened my eyes and helped me realize that I am worth so much more than what I am offering myself. Since the decision was made to stay, I enrolled in college classes, started making amends to my family, and am rebuilding my life. Saying she changed my life is an understatement; we all care about her here, and we wish we could show her our appreciation, but the staff here can not accept gifts, so this is the best we can do!