Kelly M. Young
September 2023
Kelly M.
Labor & Delivery
INTEGRIS Health Southwest Medical Center
Oklahoma City
United States
Kelly spent numerous hours in my room that day helping me try different things to get him latched, helped me hand express, plus gave me positive, encouraging words and assured me I was doing a great job.
Kelly was absolutely incredible during my postpartum stay. I delivered via unplanned C-section. I was on the magnesium drip for 24 hours, so the next day was very foggy for me. I was hoping to breastfeed my son, but we struggled to get him latched that day, so my husband started helping me hand express. I still couldn’t get my baby latched. He was crying, and I was crying. I felt so defeated. Kelly spent numerous hours in my room that day helping me try different things to get him latched, helped me hand express, plus gave me positive, encouraging words and assured me I was doing a great job. Even though I never had a lot of success getting him latched, I was able to give him what we hand expressed. As I was talking to Kelly through all this, I learned she didn’t have children herself. She wanted to be better at her job, so she took breastfeeding classes. I am also a nurse. My background isn’t L&D or postpartum, but I truly admired her dedication to her profession. The passion she had for being the best she could be was truly noticeable and remarkable. Kelly represents what every nurse should try to be, no matter their specialty. This was my first baby, and I’ll never forget her.