May 2024
Family Birthplace
Soin Medical Center
United States




She provided me with every tool I could possibly need to encourage and support my birth plan.
I came into L&D for induction at 39 weeks due to the baby measuring big. My whole pregnancy I had prepared for a natural birth, no induction, no medication, all natural. I was feeling nervous and defeated, knowing that Pitocin makes contractions more intense, and I was starting to second-guess myself. From the moment she heard me say I wanted and planned for a natural birth, she was my biggest supporter from start to finish. She provided me with every tool I could possibly need to encourage and support my birth plan. When I was at a breaking point and started to give up and asked for an epidural, she simply told me about a new position to try and guided my spouse with different techniques to help me get through my contractions. Before I knew it, my body was ready to push, and my baby boy was here!!

Kristin was with me every step: washing my legs after birth, helping me get cleaned up, using the restroom, and even catering to my multiple water requests! Without her constant support and positive attitude, I wouldn’t have been able to do it! Thanks to Kristin, I was able to have the birth I have always dreamed of and will always cherish!