Kristina Goodenough
April 2023
Emergency Department
Chandler Regional Medical Center
United States




This was above and beyond thinking that Kristina provided the family so they could have a proper education in caring for their new baby.
I am a new grad RN and Kristina Goodenough and I cared for a newborn baby only 7 days old who checked in to the ER for concerns of poor feeding and constipation. During our assessment of the baby and in talking with the parents, it became evident that the parents were out of formula. This was the parents' first baby and were provided formula from a different L&D facility in the east valley and had since run out. Kristina inquired about breastfeeding and formula feeding the child. The patient's mother indicated the baby isn't latching and or feeding properly. Kristina then spoke with the ED physician and suggested ordering a lactation consult. The family mentioned that they had received little to no education on latching or feeding techniques prior to discharge from a separate hospital L&D unit. The lactation consultant arrived at the bedside and approximately 30 minutes later the baby was feeding without difficulty. This was above and beyond thinking that Kristina provided the family so they could have a proper education in caring for their new baby. Without this humankindness and divergent thinking, the baby might have needed admission to a pediatric hospital. Kristina’s kind, thoughtful, and holistic approach in the care and compassion for this baby’s condition developed a positive outcome for both the patient and the family. We were able to discharge this patient home with her parents with their new found level of confidence and knowledge in caring for their newborn. Her compassion for this situation was outstanding and should be a level of benevolence all nurses should strive to obtain.