Kyle Ferrao
May 2024
Adult Emergency Department
Loma Linda University Medical Center
Loma Linda
United States




Kyle’s gentle speaking close to the patient calmed him.
As a Chaplain student, serving my on-call shift, I was called to the Adult Emergency by Nurse Kyle Ferrao. One of his patients, an agitated, unkempt man wanted to speak to a chaplain. As I met the patient, he was so agitated that I did not have much luck beginning a conversation with him. The patient kept adamantly stating he wanted to get up and leave. His medical condition was precarious, and I did my best to assure him he was in good hands and that he would get the care he needed. Still the patient stayed agitated and continued to speak loudly about his need to leave. I did my best to help the patient calm down but was still struggling when Kyle came into the patient’s room and spoke up closely next to the patient’s ear. “Sir, I have spoken to the doctors, and they are working on getting you a room upstairs, but until then, we need your heart to slow down. I am here with you and the chaplain is here. We will not let anything happen to you. You are safe here.” The patient appeared to be homeless, and he kept mentioning how difficult his life was on the streets, he kept telling us he was scared. Kyle’s gentle speaking close to the patient calmed him. Kyle left the room and I continued to speak, reassuring the patient. Kyle returned to the room with a basin of warm water and washcloths and a comb. He began to wash the patient’s face, neck, and comb his hair (after getting permission from the patient). The patient’s nursing assistant began to help with the washing of the patient. As Kyle combed the patient’s hair, the patient began to cry and express his gratitude. He said he was wanting a friend, since he had none and that he felt that Kyle’s loving care of him helped him feel better. This was the most beautiful expression of compassion for a patient I have seen in all my 37 years at LLUMC.