Lisa Kanis
November 2020
Float Pool
St Francis Regional Medical Center




Lisa held her hand, massaged her, and provided extra-ordinary emotional support at the end of her life.
I had the privilege of witnessing the care Lisa gave to a very sick patient (with COVID) in the SCU. The patient was anxious, scared, and short of breath. The patient wanted someone with her at all times and Lisa made it a priority to do so. Because of the patient's diagnosis, the family was not allowed to be with the patient. Lisa then became the connection between the patient and her family. Sadly, as the shift progressed, the patient made the decision to stop all treatments. Lisa was with the patient at all times as she said her goodbyes to her family. The patient did not want the family to visit.
Despite the increased risk, Lisa sat with the patient for hours, within inches of her. She prayed with her, sang with her, and reassured her. Lisa held her hand, massaged her, and provided extra-ordinary emotional support at the end of her life. The anguish the patient was experiencing lessened when Lisa was with her. Witnessing their connection will be something I will never forget.
I know Lisa would say it is just what we do as nurses. However, she is a hero in my eyes. Lisa gave the kind of care I would want my family to receive if I could not be there. She did not hesitate at the risk of simply being with the patient. The patient's comfort and a peaceful transition was her priority, and she understood the sacredness. Thank you Lisa for allowing me to witness humanity at its best.