Lisa Koo
January 2013
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals - Methodist Hospital Division
United States




I admitted a patient on October 2nd who had just been discharged two days earlier following pulmonary emboli and sent home on anti-coagulant therapy. When I asked him what brought him to the hospital again so soon, I was pleasantly surprised by his answer.

When he was on our unit his discharging nurse, Lisa, had done a fantastic job giving him thorough education on taking anticoagulants at home. She took the time to explain what the medications were, why he needed them, and most importantly, the danger signs of bleeding. He explained how important her education would prove to be.

On October 1st, he noticed that he was starting to develop potentially serious signs of bleeding. Following her instructions, he did not take his morning dose of the medication and came right to the hospital where it was confirmed that he was experiencing a GI Bleed. He noted that had it not been for Lisa taking the time to review important information about his medication therapy and making sure he completely understood everything that he may have had a bad outcome. He was very grateful for her dedication and compassion for his care.

Today reminded me why I became a nurse in the first place. Today I am proud to say that I am a nurse. Lisa Koo is proof that nurses really do make a difference.