Mari Almond
February 2014
Citrus Valley Health Partners
United States




I have had the privilege of watching and working with Mari for 15 years. Her compassion for staff, patients & families is what nursing is all about. I've personally grown as a nurse because of her guidance. She has a quiet calm about her through any situation. I've seen her with patients, family & staff, and I've seen her laugh. At the end of her shifts as charge nurse she tells each and every staff member "Great Job Today". I leave work feeling like job was well done. Mari deserves recognition for the job she does because of her quiet calmness which is what any ER needs in order to be a great ER. Stay in control, handle the situation, is what I've learned. Loving & caring isn't something you learn, that comes natural. Mari's compassion and knowledge is what makes her a "great" nurse and mentor.