Marilyn Hennessey
December 2014
Nursing Unit 52 Medicine
Royal Alexandra Hospital
Marilyn is an advocate for her patients and works for best patient outcomes. She is often the "resource nurse" on Unit 52 (medicine) and is looked to for her knowledge and experience. She is a role model for her fellow colleagues. Her critical thinking, decision making and problem solving are the best and her dedication to her unit and renal knowledge is exceptional. When Marilyn calls with a patient concern it is well known that her assessments are excellent and her critical thinking allows her to provide excellent care. Marilyn is attentive to detail; an attribute that the Nephrology Team appreciates. Her communication is clear both verbally and in writing. Finally Marilyn is supportive of her team and I truly feel she is the glue that holds the nursing unit together. She is compassionate and empathic and goes above and beyond for her patients. She was instrumental in starting comfort rounds to decrease long wait times for call bell response and decrease falls; this highlights her leadership in improving the care of all patients under her care.