Megan Young
May 2021
4 Dean
Englewood Hospital and Medical Center
United States
By dinnertime, Megan was still handing out meds at my bedside with a smile on her face like a pro.
During my stay at Englewood Hospital, I witnessed Megan Young show outstanding professionalism as she cared not only for me but for those around me as well. It was a busy day on the floor and Megan was not only caring for us patients but had nursing students in tow. As a former nurse myself, I quietly watched as she patiently explained medication administration to her charges. This is such a gift to young nursing students to have a patient and kind teacher!
Each time she came to my bedside she always seemed relaxed and kind, which put me at ease, and made me feel safe. She answered all my questions and was knowledgeable and friendly. She was particularly gentle with my 91-year-old roommate. This was a very challenging patient and she took extra time with her. I watched as she demonstrated how an incentive spirometer worked and encouraged this frail woman to use it. I watched her painstakingly feed crushed pills spoon by spoon in applesauce to her, cheer her on, and make small talk to cheer her up. This same patient ended up needing a rapid response team to come to the room when she suddenly became unresponsive with a seizure. Megan handled it like a pro. She quickly got the patient from chair to bed and ran through the appropriate first response steps.
By dinnertime, Megan was still handing out meds at my bedside with a smile on her face like a pro. I really admire how she just handles so many things and stays calm and is so very friendly. Megan is the kind of nurse you hope you get when you are in the hospital. It makes such a big difference as a patient when you have a kind, knowledgeable nurse who is compassionate.
As a patient, we are at the mercy of our nurses. A kind gesture can really make a difference. I held off coming to the hospital because of some past abuse. I was so surprised at the loving care I received here. God Bless you Megan Young, RN, and all the hard-working nurses who cared for me. You made me feel safe in the hospital again, which is a huge thing for me. Thank you for not rushing through my care.
Each time she came to my bedside she always seemed relaxed and kind, which put me at ease, and made me feel safe. She answered all my questions and was knowledgeable and friendly. She was particularly gentle with my 91-year-old roommate. This was a very challenging patient and she took extra time with her. I watched as she demonstrated how an incentive spirometer worked and encouraged this frail woman to use it. I watched her painstakingly feed crushed pills spoon by spoon in applesauce to her, cheer her on, and make small talk to cheer her up. This same patient ended up needing a rapid response team to come to the room when she suddenly became unresponsive with a seizure. Megan handled it like a pro. She quickly got the patient from chair to bed and ran through the appropriate first response steps.
By dinnertime, Megan was still handing out meds at my bedside with a smile on her face like a pro. I really admire how she just handles so many things and stays calm and is so very friendly. Megan is the kind of nurse you hope you get when you are in the hospital. It makes such a big difference as a patient when you have a kind, knowledgeable nurse who is compassionate.
As a patient, we are at the mercy of our nurses. A kind gesture can really make a difference. I held off coming to the hospital because of some past abuse. I was so surprised at the loving care I received here. God Bless you Megan Young, RN, and all the hard-working nurses who cared for me. You made me feel safe in the hospital again, which is a huge thing for me. Thank you for not rushing through my care.