Melissa Diaz
May 2023
IP Substance Abuse and Recovery
Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center
United States




I remember her looking at Melissa and saying "I have never said that out loud to anyone. Thank you for sitting with me and making me feel safe. It feels good to get that off my chest."
Melissa is the backbone of the Substance Use Recovery (SUR) team at the BMC. For the past ten years, she has given 110% to each and every one of her patients. She goes above and beyond to ensure that their safety, comfort, and health are top priority. If you cannot find her on the floor, it's because she's with her patients listening to their stories, educating them on their medication, and offering words of support and encouragement. I recall a time when the SUR unit had a woman in her eighties who came for alcohol detox. The patient was given an assignment to process the experiences of her past and the connection they had to her substance use. The patient became incredibly emotional recalling her past and Melissa heard her crying and went to her room. For the next thirty minutes, Melissa sat with that patient and held her hand and let her share her story. After the woman finished sharing the trauma of her past, I remember her looking at Melissa and saying "I have never said that out loud to anyone. Thank you for sitting with me and making me feel safe. It feels good to get that off my chest." This story sums up Melissa. She allows each of her patients to feel heard, understood, and safe these things are essential to the healing process. I am nominating Melissa for the DAISY Award because she exemplifies what an RN should be, especially an RN that works for Loma Linda University Health.