Melissa Hayes
September 2020
Winter Haven Hospital
Winter Haven
United States




Melissa (Burst) Hayes was simply the best, she took such good care of me and made me feel asking for more brought her happiness. I came into the hospital with appendicitis the night before I was set to close on refinancing my house; it was very scary and stressful for me. The nurses/doctors in the ER and surgery were very nice and helped with my fears but both before and after my surgery Melissa's special care shown above all others. She came up with a way for me to do my closing without breaking any hospital rules. In addition to taking care of all of her charges' every little want and desire, she met my wife and closing agent at the hospital entrance and ferried paperwork back and forth until everything was signed sealed, and delivered. Incredibly, I noticed she did all this while never breaking stride or neglecting anything and keeping good practices of gloves, mask, and all such PPE. She is really absolutely fantastic!
She basically turned what was a horrible experience into something I will always remember fondly; I challenge you to find another instance of anyone turning a situation so far around. Melissa should be given the highest praise because she exemplifies what it means to be a healthcare hero. Please give her all our love and respect. (I say 'our' because in the very brief encounter she had with my wife while running back and forth with paperwork, she managed to endear herself to my wife.)