September 2020
Mental Health Case Manager
Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center
United States




Ms. Melissa Johnson, RN had started communicating with me through telephone conversations, texts, and secured messages. Our communications started back around November of 2019 and it has continued. Ms. Melissa has been and still is the "Best Nurse" I could ever meet through telephone and electronic communication! I have never met her face to face, but it seems like I have known her for a long time! There are numerous situations where Ms. Melissa had demonstrated compassionate care and concern towards my physical and mental well-being! She provided professional counsel during all of my different communications with her. She is and has been an easy listener! She always listened to whatever I had to say (negative or positive) with only respect towards me as her patient! For example, when I was an inpatient on 3B in Charleston, Ms. Melissa answered the telephone every day that I was an inpatient which was close to 15 days. Also, there might have been a day or two more that I had called her more than once, but she answered all of my calls! As I look back on those days, Ms. Melissa did not have to answer my calls while I was an inpatient, since she works outpatient care. However, she went above and beyond her duties as the nurse for my psychiatrist. This just shows her commitment to her job! Also, Ms. Melissa cares for her patients, even the ones she has never seen in person.
Ms. Melissa has been my lifeline to turn to for the past five months. She would and still does make sure I am safe or in a safe place before ending any type of conversation. She always reminds me of my safety plan, the Veteran's Crisis Line, and Same Day Access Clinic. My well being and my overall safety has been a top priority of hers. This definitely demonstrates that patient safety, patient care, and well-being and the patient overall life are Ms. Melissa's top priorities in her job as an outstanding Mental Health Nurse!
I want to recognize her for her caring heart, commitment, patience, her support, her respect, and her love for her job as an Excellent Nurse! Remember I have never seen her face to face, but I can picture her as a "DAISY" inside and out.