Michelle Harper
October 2022
Integrated Case Management
Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital
United States




Michelle is a great listener, she maintains a very calm demeanor when we come to her. She is also very resourceful and knowledgeable and a great problem solver.
Michelle continues to earn the respect of team members throughout the hospital by demonstrating her vast knowledge and her excellent leadership abilities. She is always 'in the know' at census meetings and safety huddles if there are difficulties with discharge planning and this helps tremendously in difficult situations. Michelle meets with our team every afternoon, just to check in as we all discuss issues or just support each other.


SMJH continues to exceed our LOS goal, acting as a leader in the system in this metric. We were able to share best practices across the system. Much of this work was done through Michelle's participation in the LOS Site Owners Meeting. She directs daily MDRs and weekly complex care meetings.


She also initiated an “end of day huddle.” This huddle specifically focuses on those patients discharged that day but are still in the building and those planning discharge for tomorrow. This is to help identify any potential barriers. Michelle also monitors Avoidable Delays and watches for any trends. Most significant this year was in relation to SNF placement and insurance authorizations, complicated by COVID. She stayed in close contact and communication with all our local facilities to assure that our transitions continued as smoothly as possible. Our team continued to successfully maintain purposeful & meaningful virtual MDRs and complex care rounds to adhere to social distancing guidelines but to still meet the needs of interdisciplinary transition planning for patients.


Michelle demonstrates excellent communication skills. When she finds out something new that will help our team she does not just send an email or memo. For instance, when a change is made in EPIC, she comes and meets with us individually to show us how to use it and discuss how it will help with our daily workflow.


She cares for her employees every day by giving encouragement. When someone walks into her office and she is busy, she stops what she is doing, looks right at you, and sincerely asks, "what can I do for you?" OR " how can I help you"? She always solves my problem immediately and correctly or seeks an answer. However, she does not take over and just does it for you. Most importantly, she teaches you so you can learn.


Michelle continued to be versatile and helped lead the team as needed with COVID surges. The team values her ability to assist with daily patient transition issues and complex care. She is readily available to staff as needed.


As a new case manager, Michelle has been an incredible example to me. Her knowledge is infinite, and she is ready to provide assistance at any given moment. I know that I can text or call her with any stumbling block or question, and she will always provide me with sound guidance and professional leadership.


Michelle is a great listener, she maintains a very calm demeanor when we come to her. She is also very resourceful and knowledgeable and a great problem solver. She seems to be competent in everything from the computer to patient issues. She has a great sense of humor as well as being very empathetic. Michelle is the kind of leader that inspires me and makes me want the department to succeed.


With Covid restrictions, Michelle still recognized staff, creatively, during Social Work Month, Nurses Week, and National Case Management Week for the 2nd year in a row. While different than years past, she was able to identify safe ways to personally recognize individuals for their efforts (especially above and beyond this year). She took the opportunity to recognize years of service and “special” times for staff, including the “Knock Your Socks Off” award.


Michelle has 'vision.' She is able to forecast the needs of the department and always plans and manages accordingly whether it is related to staffing, difficult transition plans, or helping set up a fabulous celebration. Michelle is kind, engaged with her staff, and shows true dedication in seeing her team succeed individually and as a group.


Michelle proves it is not about her. In any discussion, she seeks to give credit to others and take responsibility for whatever part she may have in something going wrong or being left undone. Many discussions include “so and so deserves credit”, or probably I should have, or both.


Michelle stayed in close contact with facilities to determine Covid-19 activity and the best avenues to support each other. We worked hard to communicate in real-time with all our facilities during Covid to determine bed availability to best manage transitions—many times daily.


Michelle has a strong dedication to onboarding and ongoing education. She employs innovative and creative techniques teaming with the director and receiving input from all staff, providing regular communication with the team throughout the process. She has developed a strong sense of team and gained the trust and loyalty of all members.


She recognizes that each person has different ways to learn a subject, and helps everyone based on these different needs. Some individuals need to hear the information two or three times while others need detailed written information. She is able to accommodate all needs.


Michelle wants me to be a better employee/person at my job and is always striving to provide additional knowledge for staff to be more comfortable with handling complex challenges and to do it correctly.


With the many changes during Covid, we held phone huddles as needed to provide updates, workflow changes, process revisions, policy revisions, etc. She has excellent communication skills. Michelle had the highest employee engagement and leader index on the 2020 employee engagement survey of all the xxx departments in the system.


Regularly I observe Michelle assisting others or giving supportive guidance. She routinely pitches in taking patients or even an assignment. Not begrudgingly but in support of the team.


She always ends the day checking in with all staff to see what she can do to help us. Her door is always open and she leads by example in all actions.


In this role, Michelle makes an impact on the lives of our patients through population health and transitions of care initiatives. These are especially important areas of our healthcare industry at this time. She is able to add some good perspectives and innovative ideas to our hospital and system. Many other hospitals have listened in to our MDRs and complex care rounds as a “best practice” as well as talking to Michelle about practice implementation.


When I have had complex cases, she has been right there by my side, until the crisis is over and then offered additional support afterward. Michelle's door is always open to her staff and she is reachable by text or phone for a resource question or to bounce off an ethical issue.


Michelle's resourcefulness is amazing. When I ask her a question she typically knows the answer but if not, will quickly look for a resource to find the answer. She is quick to acknowledge when I think of something new and makes me feel like I am capable of solving any problem, yet at the same time makes me feel okay if I am not able to solve something right away.


As a manager, Michelle has supported my continued professional development and growth by connecting me with committees. She is very supportive, offering to make sure I had coverage to attend. She also supported me in attending a Case Management Certification review course even though I would not be able to test for several more years, simply to allow me the opportunity to gain additional knowledge.


Michelle is currently in school, working on a combined MSN-MBA. She recently completed the MBA and will finish the MSN in August. She holds a specialty certification. As a member of the nursing leadership team, broader leadership team, and the system CM leadership team, Michelle values my commitment to being a strong team player. She continues to build a strong local case management team to assist with the coordination of complex patients and to act as an additional resource for our staff. She is viewed as a resource for our system case management managers as well as with our community partners. Michelle joins the Blue Ridge managers, team leaders, and director to cross cover weekend call for both hospitals. Michelle is an invaluable asset to her department and to SMJH. Every team member enjoys working with her immensely. The full team feels she is so deserving of this award! Her efforts, initiative, and support of our commitment to assuring teamwork and quality healthcare are to be commended.