Monique Young
July 2024
University Medical Center of Southern Nevada
Las Vegas
United States
I’ve watched Monique over and over dealing with end-of-life care and bereavement in a manner that many of us can't. She’s able to offer support and empathy to the families while under pressure to care for a very sick child.
Monique has been a nurse in the PICU for over 18 years. She often serves as a relief Charge Nurse and a great resource for the unit. Monique is a nurse that can handle anything. She often takes care of the sickest patients in the unit. There is one quality in particular that makes Monique stand out. Dealing with a pediatric patient in the stages of end of life can be very overwhelming and difficult. It is not easy to care for a dying pediatric patient while dealing with all the emotions of family members. All of the stress and pressure from dealing with these situations can be extremely difficult. I’ve watched Monique over and over dealing with end-of-life care and bereavement in a manner that many of us can't. She’s able to offer support and empathy to the families while under pressure to care for a very sick child. Families may often lose control after they’re given bad news. I’ve seen Monique handle these situations over and over in a manner that would be difficult for others to do. This nomination comes after I’ve watched Monique deal with two deaths in one week back-to-back. I questioned how she was able to do it again the next day after dealing with a difficult case and family the day before. It is a quality I admire and that not many have. For these reasons, I nominate Monique Young for a DAISY Award.