Nicole Yu
February 2018
Creticos Cancer Center
Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center
United States
Nicole is consistently phenomenal. She triages patient needs and does so with ease. Nicole commits to an issue and follows through until it has been resolved. Nicole is not assigned to a patient or a group of patients, yet Nicole seems to be the nurse for everyone. Nicole recently coordinated with various financial team members to assist a young female who was underinsured with a new cancer diagnosis. Nicole was relentless until the patient was able to receive the care she needed. Nicole is an excellent teammate and spends a significant part of her day educating her peers and explaining processes to ensure the safest care. Nicole was instrumental in implementing an oral chemotherapy assessment and compliancy assessment. Most recently, Nicole has assisted with ensuring numerous cancer patients are comforted when completing their treatment and transitioning into survivorship. Nicole has ensured every single patient has been provided a plan of care to ease his or her anxiety. Nicole's values, abilities, and wonder are natural and done with beautiful purpose.