Paloma Ybarra
May 2022
Rideout Cancer Center
Adventist Health and Rideout Cancer Center
United States
In every way, Paloma was a top-notch nurse in one of the top-notch cancer wards in Northern California.
Nurse Paloma is one of the top nurses in the cancer ward. As I came out of the cancer meds she held my hand until I wasn’t dizzy or in pain anymore. She always asked me if I needed food, water, or juice. Always fluffing my pillow up, asking two times a day if I was in pain, always smiling and checking on me. I’m glad to have the DAISY Award to thank this extraordinary nurse. May there be more like her. She asked if I needed a warm blanket, a pillow, etc. She led a therapy dog up to my bedside to pet and comfort me. She asked if I had pets at home. In every way, she was a top-notch nurse in one of the top-notch cancer wards in Northern California. Always joking and laughing with the patients. May she have follying seas and may the wind always be at her back. May she have fair weather, may the land raise up to meet her, and may she be in heaven a half-hour before the devil knows she’s dead.