Rebeca Ybarra
April 2018
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Florida Hospital for Children
United States
Upon her very first assessment, she noticed that her patient required immediate attention. She brought this to the provider team immediately. A code situation followed and unfortunately lasted for over an hour and a half. This whole time, Rebeca was at the bedside caring for this patient with dignity as we waited for the family to come to the hospital. Rebeca stayed calm throughout the code, asking for help whenever she needed it and providing the best of care to the smallest of patients. Her care continued from skilled clinical care to compassionate bereavement care, helping the family make precious memories of their son. Rebeca always comes to work to make a difference. She never complains, always has a smile on her face and wants to learn more about our neonatal population. Thank you, Rebeca, for all that you do for us!