September 2016
Woodland Memorial Hospital
United States




We had what nursing might call a "difficult" patient this weekend. This was an elderly man from a nursing home who at baseline has a touch of dementia but was acutely altered due to an UTI. His confusion began ramping up, he was trying to get in and out of bed, grabbing at things and staff, and was very disoriented and confused. His primary nurse was having a difficult time managing him and the rest of her patient load and was thinking that the patient may need to be put in restraints for his safety. Rebecca was the resource nurse and she stepped in and completely took over the management of his care. She got the patient up into a wheelchair and brought him to the nurses' station with her. She kept reorienting him and reassuring him that he was safe and not alone. She bathed him, put on his glasses, and combed his hair hoping that would help him feel more settled.
This patient's family was very distraught about the recent change with their dad. Rebecca spent quite a bit of time with the family just listening to them and their fears.
I heard what I thought was music coming down the 2a hallway. Following the sound, I found Rebecca and the patient's son belting out Johnny Cash songs, singing him to sleep. The sleep that followed this simple yet remarkable gesture was a deep, much-needed rest. Most likely the best sleep this patient has had in days.
After profusely thanking Rebecca for the time spent with the patient and his family she just shrugged and said "that's what I'm here for" like none of this was a big deal at all. This was human kindness at its finest. Rebecca's genuine, from the heart act, made this patient's day a whole lot nicer and more comfortable.