Rebecca Kimondiu
November 2023
Nursing G18
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
United States




Rebecca is a very special nurse/person. My son and I could never help her understand the impact she had and has on both of us during a scary and uncertain time.  She was our sunshine every day. 
As a mom of a 23-year-old son who was diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma, coming all the way from Florida for treatment at MD Anderson was frightening and overwhelming. Leaving our family behind, knowing that I was taking my son to the very best cancer hospital in the world was all I thought of.  When arriving it's like a punch in the face. You are moving in a world where cancer is everywhere. Panic ensues, and you don't want your child to see your fear so you maintain it as best as you can except in the dark.  Chemo stays at the hospital become the norm and if you're blessed, you get matched with a stem cell donor. We were extremely fortunate that my son has a twin. So now you're stem cell ready. You go in and think you know how hard this part of your son's journey is going to be, but no one can prepare you for the pain and suffering a patient goes through.

In walks Rebecca to administer my son's stem cell transplant. Smiling face and positivity just radiating out of her. I immediately start to relax as she explains the entire process from a nurse's perspective but also from a mom's perspective. This I understand. Thank God. We have her for three days and she leaves for vacation. I was devastated as she was my rock during this process. She asked for my phone number so she could check on my son while she was away.

She checked in with me twice a day for the entire 5 days she was gone.  Asking what his counts were, how was he feeling, and sending messages to my son of hope and patience that this part was going to be over soon. Unfortunately, when she returned, she was assigned to other patients. Lucky them. Did they stop her from checking in on my son daily, no way.  She poked her head in every day and kept encouraging him that this would be over soon.  He was extremely ill with Mucositis and Noro Virus.  He couldn't eat for nine days.  She helped keep him and me positive the entire time we were there. 

As I sit and write this, he's been out of the hospital for 5 days, and each of those days I have received a text asking how he is.  Rebecca is a very special nurse/person. My son and I could never help her understand the impact she had and has on both of us during a scary and uncertain time.  She was our sunshine every day.  If you ever get the chance to meet her, you can see the sun when she smiles.  She is deserving of this award and MD Anderson is very lucky to have her. 

Note: This is Rebecca's 2nd DAISY Award!