Rebekah Youngdahl
December 2014
Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital
United States
About a week ago, I had to go to a stat C-section. I was told that there were no fetal heart tones. The whole team gave it their all but sadly the baby could not make it. Becky generously offered to help me with the bereavement process. She helped the father hold his infant in his arms and comforted him as he shared with us, that the baby's mother was not doing well. She was intubated and sedated. He was devastated that she would never meet their sweet little boy. So, Becky took the amazing initiative to call our charge nurse and the ICU supervisor to find out if we could arrange to bring the infant to the mother's bedside. After many phone calls, we got the okay and took the baby to the ICU room. There, Becky laid the baby on mom's chest and we took some pictures that could later be shown to the mother when she woke up. The doctor on the ICU side decided to allow a quick lift of the mother sedation, so she would get to see her baby.
Although she may never remember this moment, I know the family will tell her that she looked at her gorgeous little boy. When we returned to the unit, Becky helped me set up a space where the family could come hold the baby and mourn. The family was so grateful to be able to spend time with him. When they all left, I felt like we truly helped them get closure and grieve according to their needs.
Becky was essential in making this heart wrenching situation a more positive experience for the whole family. I truly admired her sense of initiative and the personal touches she had. Becky truly deserves this award. She went above and beyond and I am sure she made a positive difference for that family. She exemplifies the meaning of patient and family centered care.
Although she may never remember this moment, I know the family will tell her that she looked at her gorgeous little boy. When we returned to the unit, Becky helped me set up a space where the family could come hold the baby and mourn. The family was so grateful to be able to spend time with him. When they all left, I felt like we truly helped them get closure and grieve according to their needs.
Becky was essential in making this heart wrenching situation a more positive experience for the whole family. I truly admired her sense of initiative and the personal touches she had. Becky truly deserves this award. She went above and beyond and I am sure she made a positive difference for that family. She exemplifies the meaning of patient and family centered care.