Ruth Antony
August 2020
Saint Francis Hospital-Memphis
United States




Dear Nurse Ruth,
I am writing to you to tell you about the impact you had on my life. I had an abscessed colon that had ruptured. You came into my room and prayed for me. Before you prayed for me, I was in despair. Before you prayed for me, I was in pain with a temperature of 99.8. Before you prayed for me, I could not understand why God put me in this place. While you prayed for me, I felt peace. While you prayed for me, I felt a physical touch from God in the place I was hurting the most in my lower abdomen.
After you prayed for me, the pain went away. After you prayed for me, my temperature went from 99.8 to 97.5 which is normal. After you prayed for me, I had a CAT scan the next day. During that time, the doctor said "If the rupture is open, you go to emergency surgery. If it is closed, you go to your room." I KNEW the answer before the CAT scan. I felt too good for it to be open. The doctor then said, "It is closed."
Thank you for being the messenger for Jesus. Thank you for the prayer that helped heal me. Thank you for taking the time to pray for me. Thank you for letting me see God's plan with this situation. I will have bowel resection surgery, and I am at total peace because you prayed for me. You made an impact on my life that will last through eternity.