Samantha Diaz
December 2021
Baptist Medical Center South
United States




Sam made sure I received this unique type of care because Sam was there the most difficult day in my two-week admittance, she was there the day I miscarried my child.
Nurse Sam provided a service that was more than extraordinary, it was second to none. I was admitted to the critical care floor for COVID-19 patients where I would meet someone who would forever be a part of my life and story. The first week of care Sam was assigned to my room for what felt like an entire week, come to find out she made sure she was assigned to my room every day she had a shift. I was very sick so I wasn't able to track every day she cared for me but each day that she did, it was a day I remembered.

Then each day that she had off in-between my two-week stay in critical care, she assigned the best nurses on the floor to care for me and if that didn't work, she made sure they came to visit me every single day. These nurses under the 'assignment' of Samantha were my age or younger and brought me laughter to the point where I had to ask them to give me a break! She called them the silly crew and they would linger (sorry nurse manager) for hours talking to me, praying with me, and making sure I had everything I needed but also wanted.

You see, Sam made sure I received this unique type of care because Sam was there the most difficult day in my two-week admittance, she was there the day I miscarried my child. When I told the tech (the sweetest and best tech on the face of the earth, God knew what I needed that day) that I thought I was having a miscarriage she kept herself composed and ran to find Sam. In a matter of seconds, Samantha was winded coming into my room.... she made a quick assessment and then calmly said she would be right back, she had every important person on the floor in my room checking on me. You would have thought I was having a heart attack as quickly as everyone came in. I even had to tell some people to calm down, it was what it was. Sweet Sam tried to make it seem like nothing was wrong and I wasn't miscarrying but I could tell in her voice she was upset. When I asked her how much blood there was, she kindly lied and I love her for that. She knew me well enough to give me what I needed when I needed it. Sam talked me through everything and collected my child gently and kindly, and I watched them walk down the hall.

There was a special peace that came over me, my now deceased child was last held by someone loving, warm and caring. Because of this, Sam forever holds a special place in my heart. After she did what the Doctor asked her to do, she pulled up the chair next to my bedside and held my hand for what seemed like an hour, she let me talk and then she spoke with encouraging, biblical truths, and promises for getting me home as quickly as she could. I believed her because when I asked she gave me a full dissertation of what they could now treat me with - I went home less than 5 days later to the loving arms of my husband and toddler.

A week later I created a care package for the 8D floor and left my contact information so if the nurses wanted to, they could contact me. Not even an hour later I receive a text notification for a 'Samantha Diaz', my heart burst! Because of my trauma in the hospital, there was no one better whom I wanted to hear from than the sweetheart that last held my child; I tell you I will never ever forget that.

Samantha Diaz went above and beyond her job requirement. She coordinated nurses of her preference for my care because she knew it is exactly what I needed. She spoke so highly of me that following the day of the miscarriage I met two other angels of her assigning who bought me Chick-fil-a lunch the very next day and what was called a 'spa day' (hand hair wash and a full-body cleaning) that was the first time I had ever met them; these people had never met me before but heard a story that provoked them to exceptional care and emotional support when Samantha had to take the day off.

Every day Sam had to say goodbye at the end of her shift, I got a full breakdown of who would be in my care that night, I never had to tell the next nurse a single thing, she would blow me a kiss and basically say 'see you tomorrow'. She always popped in the first thing to say hello and prioritized me if something was needed. She never forgot a single request and made sure I was set before walking out the door. She even braided my hair the following day after my spa day she put together... it is small things like this that helped me not be consumed by my illness or loss. Samantha is a person in a position of service that we do not deserve. She is unique and provided exceptional service to a stranger! She is the type that if I called right now out of the blue, would drop everything and be there to help me. God bless you, Sam, thank you for everything you've done for me and for others. I told you this often but I am forever indebted to you and love you for the care you have given me.