Sarah Hitt
June 2021
Labor & Delivery
Crouse Hospital
United States




Sarah was so sweet. She made me feel like I had known her forever.
Sarah was my nurse throughout the labor and the delivery of my son. She was amazing. At first, I didn't want an epidural because I thought my labor would be quick like my first one was. After hours of no progression of my labor, other than increasing and excruciating contractions, I decided I wanted an epidural. Sarah explained this process to me and helped me make an informed decision about my care and birth plan. She kept the doctors informed of what I wanted and needed. She remained a calm and friendly presence in my room throughout everything, helping me to feel supported and calm. She talked me through countless contractions, even breathing through them with me. She coached me through delivery like she was my biggest cheerleader. The way that she talked to me and supported me, she didn't feel like a nurse in the room with me, she felt like she was my best friend. She was so sweet. She made me feel like I had known her forever.

After delivery, she got my husband and my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because the kitchen was closed. I believe she actually made them, as they seemed fresh. A small gesture on the grand scale of things, but so kind and appreciated by us. She physically assisted with my postpartum care. She was patient and helped me feel comfortable during a time when you can feel pretty vulnerable and exposed. Again, I felt like my friend was taking care of me, not a nurse who was a stranger to me.

My son was 6 weeks early, so Sarah discussed the NICU process with us. We felt very educated about what would be happening with our son. She took us to the NICU as soon as she could to let us see our son before she got me settled on the postpartum floor. She let us take all the time we needed with our son and waited patiently while we asked the NICU nurse our questions. She did all of this while nearly 9 months pregnant herself! I am so thankful that she was working that evening. I couldn't have asked for a better coach, cheerleader, caregiver, friend, or nurse for my labor and delivery. Thank you Sarah! You are a memorable part of my birth story.