Sebastian Zuluaga
December 2024
West Kendall Baptist Hospital
United States
As the team leader, I feel at ease knowing that there is a positive vibe throughout the shift when Sebastian is at work.
I have the honor to nominate one of our ICU nurses, who is the epitome of teamwork. Sebastian’s dedication to colleagues, patients, families, guests, and anyone else is inspiring. I don't think the word “No” is in this nurse’s vocabulary, as I have not heard this person say no to anyone who explicitly and personally asked for or needed help. This nurse is first to respond to admission, the go-to nurse for patient repositioning and early mobility, first to jump in to respond to a bed or a chair alarm, and does not mind responding to the ICU doorbell and patient call bell. Best of all, this nurse does not choose who to render help to. Everyone receives assistance no matter the situation. No wonder most of our team members called this nurse “everyone's favorite.” A few probably resented hearing this comment, but this nurse continues to humbly extend help or assistance to anyone without expectations of being recognized.
When it comes to patient assignments, Sebastian voluntarily takes on an admission for a 3rd ICU patient without a fuss. This nurse’s flexibility made patient care possible at times of staffing shortages. If given the most challenging assignment with the most difficult family members to deal with, this nurse never declines the challenge. While other nurses request to rotate a patient because of the associated stress that comes with the assignment, I have not heard this nurse complain or give up a patient load. In every shift this nurse comes, there is always fun. You hear other staff members say, “I am happy you are here. I know I will have a good shift.” This only shows how dependable and reliable this nurse is.
Care and compassion extend to the patients, family members, guests, and fellow employees. This ICU nurse doesn't fail to receive recognition and thank you from patients and family members for the quality of care that they received. Patients never forget the name of this nurse because of the care and professional bond this nurse establishes with them. I even received requests from patients and family members to have Sebastian be their caregiver.
Knowing the physical limitations of other ICU nurses, this ICU nurse respectfully offers to lift the patient, take the heavy burden, and have the petit nurses have the owner put the turning wedges or pillows under the patient. This not only benefits the nurses but also prevents injuries that could result in time away from work. ICU does not have a nurse on a workman's compensation claim at this time.
In pursuit of advancement and professional growth, this ICU nurse contributed or participated in the development and implementation of the Ecolab hand hygiene performance improvement project of the ICU, which brought our team score between 92 to 93% higher than the hospital's goal. Sebastian also applied for advancement through the PDRP portfolio and was awarded.
The helpfulness of this nurse fostered collaboration and helped build positive relationships in our team. I have also noticed increased efficiency and effectiveness when this nurse is working. The supportive atmosphere this nurse brings also makes the patients, family members, and colleagues feel valued and supported. Other staff members look forward to working with this nurse. The shift goes smoothly when this nurse is in. Everyone gets the help and support needed. The shift is peaceful, and there's no drama. Tasks are done in a timely manner, and there is no need to point fingers to get the job accomplished. As the team leader, I feel at ease knowing that there is a positive vibe throughout the shift when Sebastian is at work.
When it comes to patient assignments, Sebastian voluntarily takes on an admission for a 3rd ICU patient without a fuss. This nurse’s flexibility made patient care possible at times of staffing shortages. If given the most challenging assignment with the most difficult family members to deal with, this nurse never declines the challenge. While other nurses request to rotate a patient because of the associated stress that comes with the assignment, I have not heard this nurse complain or give up a patient load. In every shift this nurse comes, there is always fun. You hear other staff members say, “I am happy you are here. I know I will have a good shift.” This only shows how dependable and reliable this nurse is.
Care and compassion extend to the patients, family members, guests, and fellow employees. This ICU nurse doesn't fail to receive recognition and thank you from patients and family members for the quality of care that they received. Patients never forget the name of this nurse because of the care and professional bond this nurse establishes with them. I even received requests from patients and family members to have Sebastian be their caregiver.
Knowing the physical limitations of other ICU nurses, this ICU nurse respectfully offers to lift the patient, take the heavy burden, and have the petit nurses have the owner put the turning wedges or pillows under the patient. This not only benefits the nurses but also prevents injuries that could result in time away from work. ICU does not have a nurse on a workman's compensation claim at this time.
In pursuit of advancement and professional growth, this ICU nurse contributed or participated in the development and implementation of the Ecolab hand hygiene performance improvement project of the ICU, which brought our team score between 92 to 93% higher than the hospital's goal. Sebastian also applied for advancement through the PDRP portfolio and was awarded.
The helpfulness of this nurse fostered collaboration and helped build positive relationships in our team. I have also noticed increased efficiency and effectiveness when this nurse is working. The supportive atmosphere this nurse brings also makes the patients, family members, and colleagues feel valued and supported. Other staff members look forward to working with this nurse. The shift goes smoothly when this nurse is in. Everyone gets the help and support needed. The shift is peaceful, and there's no drama. Tasks are done in a timely manner, and there is no need to point fingers to get the job accomplished. As the team leader, I feel at ease knowing that there is a positive vibe throughout the shift when Sebastian is at work.