Stephen Zeiders
June 2021
MultiCare Allenmore Hospital
United States
I wanted to die rather than continue living under these conditions. Stephen kept encouraging me that things would soon be better.
It was as if Stephen dropped right out of heaven to be my constant caregiver. He showed so much compassion at a time when I desperately needed it. I wanted to die rather than continue living under these conditions. Stephen kept encouraging me that things would soon be better. I came into the hospital twice with cardiac problems. The 1st time was a short stay. I was so thankful a few days later when I had to return that Stephen was once again assigned to my care. I was so down because I had to return for more care. I assumed that once I got home all would fall into place, but it didn’t. Stephen once again showed so much love and compassion. He made me feel so very pampered and special. If Stephen ever wondered if he had chosen the right career, I for one could agree that he has. I am so thankful to have had this wonderful experience and his loving care. Bless you Stephen for being there for me. You have made my world a whole lot better, due to your care and kindness!