Steve Heyliger
April 2018
St. Anthony North Health Campus
United States




I was transferred to the ICU following complications after surgical procedures to rectify an intestinal blockage issue. On the second night of my stay in the ICU, Steve was my night nurse. He immediately took assurance that my comfort was high on the priority list. We tried different body positions, different bed adjustments, re-arranged pillows, etc. to try and keep me as comfortable as I could be, given the pain I was experiencing from the abdominal surgery. Even when I would get occasionally uncomfortable he would always be willing and gave me immediate attention in caring for my needs. His quiet and very stealthy slow movements of moving my body with minimal pain led me to label him as a "Ninja" nurse.
His knowledge of how to care for a patient and how to show concern and empathy of what a patient is going through is the epitome of what a nurse should be like. Steve would be a great resource for training nurses on how to be caring and thoughtful to patients.
Thank you, Ninja Steve, for all that you did for me during my time in the ICU.