Team O at Children's Minnesota
March 2023
Team O
at Children's Minnesota
Children's Minnesota
St. Paul
United States
Julie O'Hara, BSN, RN
Scott Schuster, BSN, RN
Chad Sanders, BSN, RN




My daughter O has been hospitalized at Children’s Minnesota in the NICU. We are gearing up for discharge six days before her first birthday. O was born a micro preemie weighing 1 pound and 3 ounces. She is now a strong and happy 15-pound baby! I would like to nominate her three primary nurses for the DAISY Award. Over the past year, they have been instrumental in O's survival, happiness, and development. 

 Julie O’Hara (RN) is such a blessing to O. Julie came into O’s life like a ray of sunshine. She has a wonderful and contagious energy that we noticed right away. Julie is always eager to do something fun with O, whether that is to get down on the floor mats and play, go outside on sunny days, walk around the unit, or put me on speaker phone so I can talk to O when I’m away. Julie has been such a great advocate for O, and I’ll forever be grateful for this. Julie has turned sad days around and brought so much joy into our lives. I think of Julie as O’s second mom. There have been so many small but special moments between the two of them. Julie plays O music, rubs her head when she falls asleep, talks to her, and celebrates all her little and big accomplishments. There is not one moment that defines Julie’s ability to go above and beyond because she does it so often. We have said that “everyone needs a Julie in their life” because she really is that special.  

Scott Schuster (RN) became a part of Team O in December. Scott has a special and calm way with O. Scott was the only person who could get O to happily sit in her stroller! She would sit in the hallway with Scott or go on walks but wasn’t interested when anyone else attempted the stroller (including me!). My favorite moment with Scott just happened recently. Unfortunately, due to a personal reason, he won’t be working over the next few months. Therefore, he won’t be with O over her final weeks in the NICU. We were all saddened to hear this news because we knew O would miss him so much. To my surprise, Scott was able to come in as a visitor to spend some time with O. He drove 40 miles just to come to see her that day. O was so content with Scott while she enjoyed a bottle and a nap in his arms. We were all elated to see Scott! Scott’s years of experience shined through while caring for O. Scott knew all her likes, dislikes, and her silly quirks. We called Scott her “stand-in Grandpa.” O will miss Scott dearly when we leave the NICU.  

Chad Sanders (RN) was O’s first primary nurse. He came into our lives when O was just three days old and has been on this journey with us the entire time. We refer to Chad as O’s best friend. O’s eyes light up when Chad comes into work. When O was intubated, she surprisingly still wanted a pacifier. She was unable keep it in without some help. On many occasions, Chad would stand by O’s bed and hold her pacifier so she could use it. This process probably became lengthy at times because O gave her pacifier a good workout. Chad was pleased and happy to help her. Chad was always so observant of her wants and needs. When O was barely over a pound, Chad knew that she hated a dirty diaper and always ran a little warm. His favorite book to read to her is “Giraffes Can’t Dance” and he always found a new toy that she would love (like her beloved mobile). Chad was with us for many “firsts” in the NICU: the first time O went outside, the first time we went around the unit, the first bottles, the first surgeries, etc. He was a part of many special and memorable moments!  

We live in Eau Claire, WI which is an hour and a half away from the hospital. We were unable to see O daily which made the bond with her nurses an emotional comfort to us. They became her family. Throughout this journey, I have often wondered how I would begin to thank the people who worked so hard to keep my child alive and brought joy to unsettling times. I would love to see Chad, Julie, and Scott honored with the DAISY Award to acknowledge their dedication and hard work to O and many other babies in the NICU. O won’t retain memories of them when she is older, but we will never forget them. They will forever hold a huge place in our hearts. They are our heroes.