Tiffany Keen
December 2020
Holston Valley Medical Center




Tiffany encouraged me when I walked the floor and at one very low moment told me "you are not going to die! we've got you".
My stay started on Tuesday am and did not end until Friday at 4 pm. I was in the hospital over the holiday with an NG tube and the saving grace of orange popsicles. I honestly thought I was dying and without the compassion and knowledge of my friends, physicians, and nurses on W-3, I might have. Tiffany Keen was the shining star. I truly believe that God created her to be a nurse and her compassion was felt by me. Her love for her co-workers was easily seen in the way she responded to them in conversations. She was very busy but I never felt that she rushed me or my care. My illness presented with right-sided pain with soon to follow vomiting which wasn't easy with an NG tube. She would make sure she would come to me as soon as I could get my medicine to see if I needed it. This would keep me from having the above issues. She found out I could have small sips of clear liquids and didn't stop until she found me a ginger ale which I was dying for. It was the best single thing I have had in my whole life. The night I got my NG tube she explained it to me and what I needed to do. As it was going down and I was trying to throw it up she kept saying tuck your chin, swallow, swallow and so I did and it went down. She then "lied" and told me I was a trooper and the easiest NG tube ever. She got me popsicles to help numb the terrible feeling in my throat. She encouraged me when I walked the floor and at one very low moment told me "you are not going to die! we've got you".
To say she was a good nurse is not accurate. She was a nurse, caretaker, friend, angel of mercy, dietician, stalker (the good kind), and teacher. I thought I was dying and she wouldn't let me. How do you thank someone for that? I'm not sure but I will go to my grave trying to be just as good a nurse as she was to me. She is a true DAISY Nurse.