Tomal Kumar Magar
July 2023
Kumar Magar
Neuro Intensive Care Unit
Stony Brook University Hospital
Stony Brook
United States




Tomal made me feel so important and made me realize how much he cares about humanity. Not just his patients but also the patient’s family.
Tomal is a very nice nurse. As soon as I see him I can tell how much he cares about his patients. Tomal is very positive and very energetic. He doesn’t stop moving. Every time he hears an announcement he runs if anybody needs help. He treats me very well he is very friendly and very talkative. He treats my family members respectfully.

The first day I was looking for a pad and he knew what I was looking for he said to me “Just wait I will come back” He sent 2 pads with a lady nurse. I was like, how did he read my mind? I was so proud of him and how respectful he was. The hospital needed special tests. He said because I am a man maybe you prefer a lady, I will ask my friend to do the swabs. He really knew what I wanted I said how respectful to me and my religion.

One day I fell asleep after plasma therapy I was very weak and I forgot to order my dinner. When I woke up, he brought me a Turkey sandwich with some apple sauce and juice. He said I didn’t want to wake you up but you have to eat. I had no appetite after two hours he said you have to eat. You need energy do you want something else? I can get it for you or call your family members to bring something. You have kids waiting for you. He made me feel so important and made me realize how much he cares about humanity. Not just his patients but also the patient’s family.

He is always alert. When someone is in my room like a different nurse or cleaning people, he is always coming and watching if I am ok. I never call him for help because he was always there asking me if I needed any help. When he is in my room, he can’t stop thinking about his other patients he is ‘like let me check my other patient how they are doing’. He answered and gave me so much support about my medical conditions. I learned a lot from him. He is a very sweet, very caring, very traditional, respectful nurse. I loved him, and I looked forward to him every day, but he said he works certain days. I really appreciate all his help. He puts a smile on everyone’s face. He is nice to his coworkers. We need nurses like him. He is very kind and doing his job great. I want to nominate him because he is the best!