Tracy Haley
June 2023
Perioperative Care/PACU
Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital
West Bloomfield
United States




Tracy approached the woman, concerned for the woman’s safety, and introduced herself, and asked the woman if she was safe, and if she needed help.
Tracy Haley RN has been with WBH since the beginning of January 2023 and has been wonderful to work alongside. She is very considerate and caring to her patients, but it doesn’t stop there. She is also caring toward the community around her. Example: When she attended the WBH Nursing Orientation, she attended the session that covered the topic of Domestic Violence and how Nurses can make a difference. She took this lecture to heart and made a point of taking several of the WBH Domestic Violence resource cards provided and placed them in her wallet—feeling that you never know when someone may need help!

Upon return to work this past week, Tracy shared an incident that occurred in the airport when returning to Detroit from her vacation. While waiting in line she heard a conversation directly behind her, between a man and a woman. The man repeatedly said things to the woman like: “I am going to make pay for this”, “you won’t get away with this” “Wait until we get home—you will pay for this”. This alerted Tracy that the woman may have been in danger. Tracy waited until the woman walked to the restroom and followed her there. Tracy approached the woman, concerned for the woman’s safety, and introduced herself, and asked the woman if she was safe, and if she needed help. The woman said that she was afraid, and that she felt the man would hurt her when they arrived home in Detroit and didn’t know what to do and did need help. Tracy said she would help the woman—and among other things, she provided one of HFWBH’s Domestic Violence resource cards to the woman in the airport and ultimately helped the woman escape the threatening situation she was in with the help of U.S. Marshalls when they arrived in the Detroit airport!

Tracy has followed up with the woman since the airport incident (they exchanged contact info at the airport), and she is safe at home.