Xavier Yanez
April 2013
Medical Surgical
Baptist Hospital of Miami
United States
An old African proverb reads, "It takes a village to educate a child". I believe the same holds true for the care of a patient. One such villager is Xavier. As I sit in this darkened room with tears flowing from my eyes, I am comforted to know that my father's last breaths will be cared for by an amazing nurse, an extraordinary human. It is Xavier's caring and compassionate demeanor that made this most difficult moment bearable. At my most painful time, he has brought comfort and a human touch to this situation. While taking care of my dad previously, he showed skill and professionalism by always laying out his plan for care and comfort. I saw the pain in his eyes as he saw our pain played out. It is poetic justice that he would be the one responsible for the setup and maintenance of my dad's morphine. He even shared how he understood our grief by sharing his grandfather's story. Thank you and God bless you!